Reasoning Quiz - Artificial Language 2

Bankers Adda is also known to be called as Reasoning Quiz adda.
Today Bankers Adda came back with a New Quiz on Reasoning 
Go through the quiz and if you have any doubts please contact bankers adda in the comment section.

First, you will be given a list of three "nonsense" words and their English word meanings. The question(s) that follow will ask you to reverse the process and translate an English word into the artificial language.

1. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
granamelke means big tree
pinimelke means little tree
melkehoon means tree house
Which word could mean "big house"?

A. granahoon
B. pinishur
C. pinihoon
D. melkegrana

2. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
lelibroon means yellow hat
plekafroti means flower garden
frotimix means garden salad
Which word could mean "yellow flower"?

A. lelifroti
B. lelipleka
C. plekabroon
D. frotibroon

3. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
godabim means kidney stones
romzbim means kidney beans
romzbako means wax beans
Which word could mean "wax statue"?

A. godaromz
B. lazbim
C. wasibako
D. romzpeo

4. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
myncabel means saddle horse
conowir means trail ride
cabelalma means horse blanket
Which word could mean "horse ride"?

A. cabelwir
B. conocabel
C. almamyn
D. conoalma

5. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
moolokarn means blue sky
wilkospadi means bicycle race
moolowilko means blue bicycle
Which word could mean "racecar"?

A. wilkozwet
B. spadiwilko
C. moolobreil
D. spadivolo

6. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
dionot means oak tree
blyonot means oak leaf
blycrin means maple leaf
Which word could mean "maple syrup"?

A. blymuth
B. hupponot
C. patricrin
D. crinweel

7. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
gorblflur means fan belt
pixngorbl means ceiling fan
arthtusl means tile roof
Which word could mean "ceiling tile"?

A. gorbltusl
B. flurgorbl
C. arthflur
D. pixnarth

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