Reasoning Quiz - Artificial Language 1

Bankers Adda is also known to be called as Reasoning Quiz adda.
Today Bankers Adda came back with a New Quiz on Reasoning 
Go through the quiz and if you have any doubts please contact bankers adda in the comment section.

First, you will be given a list of three "nonsense" words and their English word meanings. The question(s) that follow will ask you to reverse the process and translate an English word into the artificial language.

1. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
hapllesh means cloudburst
srenchoch means pinball
resbosrench means ninepin
Which word could mean "cloud nine"?

A. leshsrench
B. ochhapl
C. haploch
D. haplresbo

2. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
tamceno means sky blue
cenorax means blue cheese
aplmitl means star bright
Which word could mean "bright sky"?

A. cenotam
B. mitltam
C. raxmitl
D. aplceno

3. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
agnoscrenia means poisonous spider
delanocrenia means poisonous snake
agnosdeery means brown spider
Which word could mean "black widow spider"?

A. deeryclostagnos
B. agnosdelano
C. agnosvitriblunin
D. trymuttiagnos

4. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
daftafoni means advisement
imodafta means misadvise
imolokti means misconduct
Which word could mean "statement"?

A. kratafoni
B. kratadafta
C. loktifoni
D. daftaimo

5. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
migenlasan means cupboard
lasanpoen means boardwalk
cuopdansa means pullman
Which word could mean "walkway"?

A. poenmigen
B. cuopeisel
C. lasandansa
D. poenforc

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